The most downloaded files from Aminet during the week until 2-Jul-95 Updated weekly. Most popular file on top.
File               Dir        Size Age Description
-----------------  ---------  ---- --- ------------------------------------
EasyPatch078.lha   util/cdity   9K   0+The Requester Patcher
BMPdt402.lha       util/dtype  12K   0+Bmp picture datatype v40.2 for >= OS3.0
CaBoom.lha         util/boot   15K   0+Windows explode on opening/closing
ixemul4101-bin.lha dev/gcc    1.6M   0+IXemul.library 41.1
VChck656.lha       util/virus 126K   0+Version 6.56 of Virus_Checker. Amiga Vir
RedrawWb.lha       util/cli     2K   0+A Workbench redrawer
png_dt.lha         util/dtype  76K   0+PNG DataType v1.0
vt-chick.lha       game/think 623K   0+Cardset for REKO's Klondike AGA - VT Chi
mn_ansitest.lha    comm/mebbs   3K   1+ANSI Test Door for MEBBSNet
AGA_Morphy.lha     pix/eric   694K   0+AGA_Morphy Anim by Eric Schwartz
TBOML10s.lha       docs/hyper  18K   0+The Big Old Monitor List, Monitor Specs 
BatMan.Anim.lha    pix/eric   109K   0+Batman Anim by Eric Schwartz
gif2png_0_51c.lha  gfx/conv    80K   0+GIF 2 PNG converter (40% faster) (beta)
Amijam.lha         docs/anno   46K   0+Information and map to Amijam'95
Asteroids.lha      pix/eric   159K   0+Asteroids Anim by Eric Schwartz
io08dev.lha        dev/misc    10K   0+An I/O library (Developers Only)
GMC-BBS-210.lha    comm/bbs   616K   0+Plug and Play BBS with Bi,X,Y,Z Modem...
Mars_Puppies.lha   pix/eric   138K   0+Puppies from Mars Anim by Eric Schwartz
AmigaElm-v7157.lha comm/mail  208K   0+Mail-Reader (UUCP/Internet), v7 (7.157)
DeluxePacMan.lha   game/misc  166K 108+Pacman type game. V1.4